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Practice as Research Investigation – Events and Residues

This journal was written as part of my MA Creative Practice (Laban/Independent Dance) in 2013

The working methodology was based around harvesting movement ‘events’ which have one or more things which define them. These included a particular action, a task or intention, an enquiry, direction/relation to space or muscular tone. They tended not to be defined by the intention of recreating an exact physical form. This left open an interesting play between what constituted an event and what stretched the boundaries so far that it weakened it and fell outside of it.

My research was centred around creating events and then continuously developing and investigating them. The outcomes of this method were two-fold. Firstly the work and refinement left a visible residue in the movement. The second outcome was related to my events being defined by questions. To keep on asking the question rather than reciting an answer I needed to continuously deepen my investigation. By following my curiosity into unfamiliar territory, my events stayed alive and I could continue to wayfare through them.

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